
Tuesday 21 April 2015

The Death Cure (Book 3, The Maze Runner series) review

When I read it: 31st March 2015 - 21st April 2015
Rating: 4/5

Once I saw there was only a few chapters left, I was reeling in more and more until the bitter end. That was when the book was getting really good. 
Reading this series has been a roller-coaster ride for sure. At the beginning I fell in love, I loved the story and idea of the universe James Dashner created but I felt there was something missing. To me a good book needs a good balance of action and the build up to that climatic action. The TMR series lacks this, slightly. I feel like when something was happening and my heart starts racing the pace of the tone picks up a little and then this "big" thing happens and I think to myself, "Was that it?". First hearing about this series, I was pretty damn excited, it was going to be the next big Dystopian novel I was looking for, after reading THG and Divergent, both very similar to one of another if I may add, I felt quite refreshed knowing I'm going to read a Dystopian with a male lead. I loved the series, don't get me wrong, I especially loved this particular one, Death Cure. But, but... It wasn't as good as it was hyped up to be, and I duly understand why people find it slow. 

Now let's get to specifics, let's focus on The Death Cure. Previously, I found Scorch Trials dull and a filler until I read the finale, I was worried that TDC would be the same, it would attempt to be this amazing, grand sort of thing to only expose it's true self and be a boring, rushed novel just to be written for the sake of being written. 
The start was premature and only until near the end I felt it was getting good, finally turning into the type of novel that's impossible to put down. I felt maybe the ending could of been better to do it justice but it could of been worse.

My whole review has been 90% negative but don't get me wrong it got a 4/5 for a good reason. It's just hard to explain the experience I went through, easier to explain the bad pointers than the good. You just have to go and read it to find out yourself.
See my other reviews and what I'm reading on my Goodreads account by clicking here.

Images by Freepik