
Tuesday 17 March 2015

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Book 5, Harry Potter series) review

When I read it: 14th February 2015 - 16th March 2015
Rating: 5/5

(So, I just discovered I forgot to write my review for Goblet of Fire, atlas, there is no point now as the story is no longer fresh in my mind. Nevertheless, on with OoTP!)

Rereading this particular Potter book was very refreshing, much unlike when I first read it a few years back, it was a lot more harder to get into and read.
There is not much to say apart from the obvious, really. But I'll be saying this, one you hit this fifth book in the series it opens a lot up from the overall storyline and plot, you understand a lot more on the "why?"s and "how?"s. The character development unravels - especially, Harry's, from it's tight safe ball it was in, in the preceding novels. 
Order of the Phoenix is so beautifully written that it is no wonder you feel you were in the shoes of Harry Potter himself. Feeling his teenage angst, grief and frustration from the boundaries of himself and the truth. 

I was weeping terribly during the chapter where Dumbledore explained himself and in doing so explaining the whole story of Harry Potter. It was such a strong sense of realisation that I'm sure what was Harry going through amongst the fresh gaping hole that Sirius' death left behind. 

Not many books can do this to you, to make you laugh when the character's laugh or to cry when they're in doing so. It is the best of the best that could make you, the reader, to feel as the author wanted you to feel. J.K. Rowling is exceptional in this way, and my god, if you still have yet to read this series, go and try it now!

                     See my other reviews and what I'm reading on my Goodreads account by clicking here.

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