
Monday 18 August 2014

Murder On The Orient Express (Book 10, Hercule Poirot series) review

When I read it: 15th August - 18th August 2014
Rating: 5/5

Another book I have skimmed through before for studies but was not quite interested enough to actually 'read' it. This time round I read out of leisure and oh my, it was superb, I wish I appreciated it more few years back when I had to study it for an essay in A Level. The famous Agatha Christie lives up to her name and reputation, the novel was certainly an amazing mystery that I would not expect any other author to do any better. She keeps on reeling you in, when you just about tied up the knot of who you think did the murder, she throws you off course and gives you yet another handful of evidence to prove you wrong and that in fact, it was someone else. All in all, you don't pick up whom it is until right at the finish line, and let me say, that's the best way to write a murder mystery.
Naturally, I came to the assumption of whom did it just before the end as I have seen many remakes and parodies of the Orient Express that I couldn't really forget it. 
If you love mystery and a novel where it gives you a chance to ponder on the evidence and accusations, and who done. This is the no. 1 book for you!
See my other reviews and what I'm reading on my Goodreads account by clicking here.

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