
Tuesday 12 August 2014

The Maze Runner (Book 1, The Maze Runner series) review

When I read it: 2nd August - 10th August 2014
Rating: 4/5

Firstly, when I heard about this book and heard people's interest in said book, they always seemed to mention the first of the series is a slow read, so I had that assumption in mind while reading. On the contrary, personally I didn't find it slow or at least, as slow as I found many previous books I read in the past. It was in fact interesting from page one to page 371 (especially page 371). 
I did pick up on a lot of the slang they used quite fast and despite myself found I have said them a couple of times in the real world. I love how the protagonist, Thomas goes through the same disorientation as we do as we go through the book with all the new words, the setting it's taking place in, what's happening and so forth that we don't find in most dystopian novels these days. 
What put me down a little was the little bit of repetition and the over-use of catchphrases but that was a small disappointment in comparison to all the praises I give to this book. 

I agree that for some this book maybe tiresome to read from the beginning but I promise it picks up speed near the end where the chapters get shorter and you'll end up loving the whole "shuckin" thing.

See my other reviews and what I'm reading on my Goodreads account by clicking here.

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