
Tuesday 1 March 2016

The Girl on the Train review

When I read it: 30th January - 25th February 2016
Rating: 3/5

Overall, I'm fairly disappointed in this book. Now let me expand on this opinion... 
Imagine me with an abundance of books on my to-read list, and I choose this one because in my mind it's the most anticipated. Not only that, but hasn't everyone been rambling on and on about how amazingly just this is?
Well what did I expect? Something like In Cold Blood by Capote to turn up- well do you blame me if I did?
Anyway, getting to the point. It's terrible, honestly, if I pick it apart then maybe it has some goodness at its core, but overall, not amazing. The writing is realistic, as in, maybe a middle age drunk would speak and think in these terms but it's basic. There's no flavour, there's no trying to paint a picture, it's just well, "here is a sweater, maybe its blue, I don't know". The start is slow, but do you know what's good about that? it's a metaphor for the theme of the book, pick it apart and analysis it's pace. It begins slowly and it start to pick up by the middle and slow down as the novel wraps up, just like a train. Hawkins was lucky to have the talent to at least, know how to trail off the chapters, you want to read the next "date" no matter what.
I might be being a little rough with this review, I did give it three stars not two after all. So let's sum up my feelings for real; The book is more dull than expected but saying this it still had a trail of surprises for me, she's good at cliffhangers after every date recorded, what a clever format to write a book like a diary, as I said previously the pace of the story resembles a train, maybe she could have been less repetitive or again that resembles a life of a commuter, the end needs working on.

See my other reviews and what I'm reading on my Goodreads account by clicking here.

Sunday 17 January 2016

The Shining review

When I read it: 27th December 2015 - 17th January 2016
Rating: 5/5

I have not got much motivation or any inspiration for that matter to write about this book. This has no relation how good this novel was (let me get to that in a second) but it just seems to be hard to wrap up and tie up all of the loose ends of all the after-thoughts I got from this book's ending and to put it into words so soon. Nevertheless I shall try my very best in doing so.

I read my Stephen King collection a little backwards, date of published-wise. I previously read Joyland last summer and it was beautiful. It had a very sticky storyline, you grab it and you can't let go, your eyes are glued to the page. I have been told though, that the newer novels are far from the same as the classics like The Shining, so I felt anxious, do I like the Stephen King books he is most famous for? 
Of course the answer would be a big fat yes. It has been a while since the last time I read and just reading his style was different to anything I have previously read before. I'm always cautious when it comes to picking up a book written in third person, it takes skills to use that objective narrative and still be flexible enough to make it seem that you're writing it in each of the main character's perspective directly as if it were first person narrative. 
I think because this is such a classic and the movie adaptation was a hit that I've seen the reworks of the original again and again in other movies, tv shows or in music videos, this gave a lot of the storyline away but the rest was easily foreseeable. Either way, that was perfectly fine with me. It's not the ending being spoiled to worry about but how it got to that.

See my other reviews and what I'm reading on my Goodreads account by clicking here.

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