
Tuesday 22 July 2014

Only Time Will Tell (Book 1, The Clifton Chronicles) review

When I read it: 24th June - 4th July 2014
Rating: 4/5

** spoiler alert **

I began this book thinking it would be mainly about a young boy attempting to answer the mystery of his lost father much like a detective, and amidst of this search having to decide whether to go to university or join up with the military to support his country. This was all in my head as I read the blurb on the back, turns out, the story that is insisted in the blurb doesn't really happen until 3/4 of the book has been read. In the beginning of the story it felt slow to me and if it continued in that pace I would of given the book less stars, but as I gotten to the part where Harry discovers what happened to his dad it started to pick up speed and let me tell you, it didn't slow down from there.

As we read the novel, we grow up with the characters, especially Harry, Giles and one of his sisters, Emma. This of course made it harder for me to let go as the story kills off a few memorable characters. 
When I got to the part where there were about a few pages left and the story was still unfolding as if there were another chapter, I feared it would end with a harsh cliffhanger with no sequel, but as I read right to the last word, gripping onto it waiting for an answer I find out that this author is a complete genius leaving all the nasty bits we have been waiting for right to the very last minute giving meaning to have another book to continue the tale, unlike most novels these days where the sequels being published just for a little bit more cash. 

This story is amazing and I hope the next will do as much justice! I'm just really proud to say that my mum had a chance to meet the author and get two signed copies, and without that I wouldn't of come across this masterpiece.

See my other reviews and what I'm reading on my Goodreads account by clicking here.

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